Page Title

image of scientific instrument

The width of the instrument image is set at 215 pixels. Include the name and acronym of your instrument in this caption.

This is the landing page for your website. It is the first page visitors will see when they click on your URL, and thus should serve as an executive summary in non-technical language.

Place an image here to visually anchor the page. The image will give the user's eye something to focus on and will be more welcoming to non-technical audiences.

The Image

The image should be directly related to your instrument or the science performed with it. You should include a caption that identifies or explains the image.

Appropriate images include:

  • A photograph of the engineering or flight model of your instrument.
  • An illustration or artist's concept of the spacecraft your instrument is on.
  • The laboratory test apparatus or prototype of your instrument.

Goal of the landing page

The landing page should provide a clear, concise general overview of your instrument and the science that can be done with it. The text should be accessible to the broadest possible audience, with a minimum of technical language. (Another page on your site, such as an "About" page or "The Instrument," can provide additional information in greater detail and at a higher technical level.)

Information on the landing page could include any or all of the following:

  • The underlying technology of the instrument and the types of measurements it makes.
  • The science that the instrument makes possible.
  • The broad science goals of the instrument and/or mission.

Avoid insider NASA jargon, such as "preliminary design review" or "principal investigator." The general public -- even the college educated public -- is not necessarily familiar with such terminology.

Here is a good example of a landing page for an instrument-related website:
Balloon Experimental Twin Telescope for Infrared Interferometer (BETTII)

You may choose to use the formatting below (and the underlying page markup in the template pages) to add additional information to the landing page, such as Announcements, Media Coverage, Multimedia, and significant Program Milestones.

image of scientific instrument

The width of the instrument image is set at 470 pixels. Include the name and acronym of your instrument in this caption.

News or Announcement with a Thumbnail Image

Using the template HTML code and CSS, you may choose to include news, announcements, and other timely information on your website's landing page (index.html). Alternatively, you may choose to place this information on a separate "News and Announcements" page. For an example of this kind of page, see:

  • The Title of Your News/Announcement As A Clickable Link 01.01.2015 This text describes the news or announcement. It could refer to new funding, research that drew media attention, an honor or award for a member of your team, or an important milestone in the project or mission. These items could be placed on a separate "New and Announcement" page, of course.
  • New NASA Press Release About Our Research
    09.27.2011 The climate on the surface of Venus is uniformly hot and suffocating. But higher up, the weather gets more interesting, according to a new study of old data by NASA and international scientists.

  • The Title of Your News or Announcement As A Static Text Item

    01/01/2015 {release date}

    This text describes the news or announcement. It could refer to new funding, research that drew media attention, an honor or award bestowed on a member of your team, or an important milestone in the project or mission. These items could be placed on a separate "New and Announcement" page, of course.

    HIPWAC Moves To New Home in Bldg 34


    The High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy Group headed by Ted Kostiuk welcomed Goddard's HIPWAC spectrometer to its new home in Bldg. 34 on 10/27/2010. HIPWAC was shipped in the summer of 2009 from its previous home in Bldg. 2 to be used in three different field campaigns supporting five observing programs at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility.

    Space To List Important Information As Bulleted Items

    Display Tables of Text or Numbers Here

    Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
    0.000456 0.347569 2.445677
    Cell TEXT 4 Cell TEXT 5 Cell data 6
    Cell data 7 Cell data 8 Cell data 9