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Kostiuk, T., T. Hewagama, K. E. Fast, T. A. Livengood, J. Annen, D. Buhl, G. Sonnabend, F. Schmulling, J. D. Delgado and R. Achterberg 2010. High Spectral Resolution Infrared Studies of Titan: Winds, Temperature and Composition. Planet. Space Sci. 58, 1715-1723, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2010.08.004.

Fast, K. E., T. Kostiuk, F. Lefevre, T. Hewagama, T. A. Livengood, J. D. Delgado, J. Annen and G. Sonnabend 2009. Comparison of HIPWAC and Mars Express SPICAM observations of ozone on Mars 2006-2008 and variation from 1993 IRHS observations, Icarus 203, 20-27, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2009.05.005.

Lefevre, F., J.-L. Bertaux, R. T. Clancy, T. Encrenaz, K. Fast, F. Forget, S. Lebonnois, F. Montmessin and S. Perrier 2008. Heterogeneous chemistry in the atmosphere of Mars, Nature, 454, 971-975, doi:10.1038/nature07116.

Fast, K. E., T. Kostiuk, T. Hewagama, M. F. A'Hearn, T. Livengood, S. Lebonnois and F. Lefevre 2006. Ozone abundance on Mars from infrared heterodyne spectra II: Validating photochemical models. Icarus, 183, 396-402, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2006.03.012.

Fast, K. E., T. Kostiuk, F. Espenak, J. Annen, D. Buhl, T. Hewagama, M. F. A'Hearn, D. Zipoy, T. A. Livengood, G. Sonnabend and F. Schmulling 2006. Ozone abundance on Mars from infrared heterodyne spectra I: Acquisition, retrieval, and anticorrelation with water vapor. Icarus, 181, 419-431, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2005.12.001.

Sonnabend, G., M. Sornig, P. Krotz, R. T. Schieder and K. E. Fast 2006, High Spatial Resolution Mapping of Mars Mesospheric Zonal Winds by Infrared Heterodyne Spectroscopy of CO2. Geophy. Res. Lett., 33, L18201, doi:10.1029/2006GL026900.

Espenak, F., M. J. Mumma, and T. Kostiuk 1991. Ground-based infrared measurements of the global distribution of ozone in the atmosphere of Mars. Icarus 92, 252-262.

Deming, E., F. Espenak, D. Jennings, T. Kostiuk, M. Mumma and D. Zipoy 1983. Observations of the 10-micron natural laser emission from the mesospheres of Mars and Venus. Icarus 55, 347-355.

Mumma, M. J., D. Buhl, G. Chin, D. Deming, F. Espenak, T. Kostiuk and D. Zipoy. 1981. Discovery of Natural Gain Amplification in the 10-Micrometer Carbon Dioxide Laser Bands on Mars: A Natural Laser, Science 212, 45.