Required Elements

The templates provided on this site have two required elements: the NASA header and the NASA footer (they both are dark grey and have the NASA meatball in them).

We provide two options for the header and footer files. Both options include media queries for a variety of screen sizes:

  1. A fixed width (952px) option.  Download ZIP file
  2. A fluid (stretch across the browser, no width limit) option.  Download ZIP file

The header and footer should not be resized or have their fonts altered. The search area searches all of NASA by default. If you want to change the search filter to search only a specific site, you are welcome to change that, but please leave the format alone.

Optional Elements

  • Top Tabs - These are useful if you have a complex web site with major sections that require different navigation sets. One possible use: different audience groups. If your site is small or simple, you probably won't need the Tabs.
  • Top Banner - A "frosted glass" banner in PhotoShop format is contained in the template download; you may add text to that, or replace it with an image of your choice. The banner width is 952 pixels.
  • Top Menu - These should be your major sections. It is not recommended that you use more than six or seven items here. A Top Nav item should not link away from your site (the Top Nav should still be there on the resulting page).
  • Left Section - This is the column containing the Left Navigation and the Quick Links. You can also use this as a regular content column in the "no left nav" option.
  • Left Navigation - These items should be a subset of each Top Nav item if you're using Top Nav. Or, you may use these as your main Nav if you don't want Top Nav. Links from your Left Nav should remain within your site and within the same Left Nav set (the Left Nav should still be there on the resulting page).
  • Quick Links - These can link to other sites (either NASA or external). This is useful for related projects.
  • Right Sidebar - This is the right-hand column in a 3-column layout.