Top Navigation Section
Top navigation should represent your site's major sections. Try to limit it to no more than six or seven items. A top navigation item should link only to pages on your site. If you need to link to other sites, use the External Link section on the left sidebar (located under the left navigation section).
Please read instructions carefully before beginning work
This page will explain how to use the top navigation section, activate, and deactivate items, and create drop down sub navigation
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First and Last Navigation Items
The first and last items on the top navigation menu have special classes. First item (from the left) has the following class:
Last item has the following class:
Activating Menu Item
Removing the Top Navigation Section Safely
In order to eliminate the banner section from your page, look for following section in your html file:
Simply remove the code between the commented area in that section.
How to create sub navigation
To create sub navigation, add the links as a list
Within the list item you need the sub navigaiton:
- Responsible NASA Official : Insert Name
- Web Curator: Insert Name
- Privacy Policy & Important Notices
- Contact Us
- Page Last Updated: (none)