General Styles & Tables

When working with the HTML files, please wrap blocks of items within the main content area with div class="full-width-content-item". This div maintains specific gap between section in the main content area.

The following general styles are parts of the base.css style sheets (base.css lines 336-378):

Font variations:

  • Italic: .fnt_italic
  • Bold: .fnt_bold
  • Text align left: .txt_align_left
  • Text align right: .txt_align_right
  • Text align center: .txt_align_center

Font size:

  • Font size 9px: .fnt_sz_9
  • Font size 10px: .fnt_sz_10
  • Font size 11px: .fnt_sz_11
  • Font size 12px: .fnt_sz_12
  • Font size 14px: .fnt_sz_14
  • Font size 18px: .fnt_sz_18

Text Decoration

  • No text decoration: .txt_decoration_none
  • Underline:.txt_decoration_underline
  • Line through: .txt_decoration_through


  • Float left: .flt_left
  • Float right: .flt_right
  • Float none: .flt_none

Data Tables

To create data table, insert class="datatab" in the <table> tag. To have a colored row, place class="odd" in a <tr> tag

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Cell data 1 Cell data 2 Cell data 3
Cell data 4 Cell data 5 Cell data 6
Cell data 7 Cell data 8 Cell data 9